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experiment experiment station 6658 N:nn:N The poultry work at experiment stations is very new .

The college itself had purchased for a song a section of land to be used as an agricultural experiment station .

So to secure the continuity you want , you are going to have to tie in your experiments with the experiment station .

experiment laboratory experiment 3710 N:nn:N You are but the accident of a laboratory experiment .

The name implies an analogy with a laboratory experiment .

The uniform particle size also makes the sand useful for laboratory experiments .

experiment thought experiment 3043 N:nn:N In quantum mechanics , quantum suicide is a thought experiment .

The utility monster is a thought experiment in the study of ethics .

The thought experiment is simple and runs as follows .

experiment science experiment 1236 N:nn:N Each place has an arcade game and a science experiment .

The tin cry is often demonstrated as a simple science experiment .

Measure variations in radio waves for radio science experiments .

experiment michelson-morley experiment 1007 N:nn:N As introduced , special relativity provided an account for the results of the Michelson-Morley experiments .

The Michelson-Morley experiment is performed , indicating that the speed of light is independent of motion .

Edward Williams Morley ( January 29 , 1838 - February 24 , 1923 ) was an American scientist famous for the Michelson-Morley experiment .

experiment particle physics experiment 836 N:nn:N Some particle physics experiments must adjust for terrestrial tides .

Terrestrial tides also need to be taken in account in the case of some particle physics experiments .

Each ground state hadron may have several excited states ; several hundreds of resonances have been observed in particle physics experiments .

experiment milgram experiment 672 N:nn:N The Milgram experiment caused a huge amount of criticism among individuals .

The Milgram experiment is a well known example of an experiment with a very high potential for inflicted insight .

They were then led to believe they were delivering electric shocks to another student , as in the Milgram experiment .

experiment physics experiment 600 N:nn:N Some colleges had already been broadcasting for decades on the AM band , often originating in physics experiments in the early 20th century .

Some segments consist of public demonstrations of physics experiments with help from bystanders .

The light gas gun is an apparatus for physics experiments , a highly specialized gun designed to generate very high velocities .

experiment field experiment 565 N:nn:N Field experiments Field experiments are so named in order to draw a contrast with laboratory experiments .

Online auctions as a research tool : A field experiment on ethnic discrimination .

This theory has been supported by aircraft observations from several field experiments .

experiment one experiment 477 N:nn:N Again , one has to choose for one 's experiment a favourable moment .

From the same article , p. 456 , we quote again : I add one more experiment of my own .

After many attempts , only one experiment was successful and now the unsuccessful ones are given drugs every day to keep them from regressing into their animal forms .

experiment neutrino experiment 474 N:nn:N The discovery was made in 1956 , detected in the neutrino experiment .

CDHS was neutrino experiment at CERN taking data from 1976 until 1984 .

T2K is a second generation long baseline neutrino oscillation experiment .

experiment miller-urey experiment 468 N:nn:N He was a participant in the pioneering Miller-Urey experiment .

The discovery of synchronized menstrual cycles The famous Miller-Urey experiment , considered to be the classic experiment on the origin of life .

Cyanoacetylene is one of the molecules that was produced in the Miller-Urey experiment .

experiment experiment no. 453 N:nn:N Experiment No. 43 Testing Hard and Soft Waters Partially fill a large cylinder with very hard water .

Experiment No. 1 Water in Flour Carefully weigh a porcelain or aluminum dish .

Experiment No. 16 Microscopic Examination of Milk Place a drop of milk on a microscopical slide and cover with cover glass .

experiment philadelphia experiment 397 N:nn:N The plot is based on the urban legend of the Philadelphia Experiment .

Nichols claims the project goes back to 1943 and is connected to the Philadelphia Experiment .

The Philadelphia Experiment is a 1984 science fiction film .

experiment microgravity experiment 375 N:nn:N Such disturbances , though slight , could affect the sensitive microgravity experiments .

Even small actions can shake up delicate microgravity experiments taking place inside the stations laboratories .

The students asked a variety of questions about the microgravity experiments being conducted during the mission on living and working in space .

experiment breeding experiment 373 N:nn:N The fundamental technique is still the controlled breeding experiment .

The Punnett square is a diagram that is used to predict an outcome of a particular cross or breeding experiment .

No comparable breeding experiments appear to have been carried out with N. lapillus , which takes much longer to reach maturity .

experiment chemistry experiment 344 N:nn:N Additionally , subjects are mixed - for example a chemistry experiment about eggs turns into a French language lesson .

He lost a hand during a high school chemistry experiment .

Mercer snatched up a huge glass basin used in his chemistry experiments , and we raced down to the shore .

experiment radiation experiment 332 N:nn:N As a child Reuven was a victim of the radiation experiments carried out by the government as part of an American sponsored medical experiment .

Cooper passed Schirra 's orbital record on the seventh orbit while he was engaged in radiation experiments .

Its payload included radiation experiments designed to map the earth 's radiation belts .

experiment control experiment 329 N:nn:N In 1965 the full publication appeared after many control experiments .

The experiment included three parts : facial expressions , grasping and a control experiment .

In addition ground units for training , experiment preparation , and use in control experiments have been built .

experiment microarray experiment 322 N:nn:N Since an array can contain tens of thousands of probes , a microarray experiment can accomplish many genetic tests in parallel .

Statistical methods for identifying differentially expressed genes in replicated cDNA microarray experiments .

Additional factors for microarray experiments are the experimental design and the methods of analyzing the data ( see Bioinformatics section ) .

experiment lab experiment 309 N:nn:N Behavioral economists have also responded these criticisms by focusing on field studies rather than lab experiments .

These models work by combining satellite measurements of chemical concentrations and meteorological fields with chemical reaction rate constants obtained in lab experiments .

Lab experiments have verified the presence of arousal in dissonance situations .

experiment nmr experiment 295 N:nn:N In such cases , these interactions can be neglected on the time-scale of the NMR experiment .

Principles A two-dimensional NMR experiment involves a series of one-dimensional experiments .

NMR spectroscopic experiments indicated close proximity of the aldehyde and the aryl ring .

experiment rothamsted experiment 291 N:nn:N Here , again , the Rothamsted experiments furnish us with valuable data .

It is impossible to enter , in any detail , into the nature and scope of the Rothamsted experiments .

To the Rothamsted experiments also we owe the refutation of Liebig 's mineral theory .

experiment fusion experiment 283 N:nn:N However , as with other fusion experiments , development into a generator has proven difficult .

However , as with other fusion experiments , development into a power source has proven difficult .

Young then became a part of some of the earliest fusion experiments : first in Lifetime , Emergency !

experiment life science experiment 264 N:nn:N The life science experiments investigated changes in plants , animals and humans under spaceflight conditions .

The crew also performed life science experiments .

Genesis I demonstrated the basic viability of inflatable space structures , even carrying a payload of life science experiments .

experiment material experiment 242 N:nn:N It will also carry out several space materials experiments .

He also did life sciences and materials processing experiments .

The crew also activated other previously flown materials science experiments and participated in medical experiments in support of long-duration flights .

experiment stanford experiment 237 N:nn:N These results were confirmed in other experiments as well , such as the Stanford prison experiment .

The Stanford prison experiment was a study of the psychological effects of becoming a prisoner or prison guard .

These results were subsequently corroborated by the Stanford prison experiment , even though both experiments were non-repeatable .

experiment pilot experiment 226 N:nn:N The depth of sequencing required for specific applications can be extrapolated from a pilot experiment .

Some pilot experiments have been performed , but it is not used on a large scale .

Pilot experiments are also used to reduce cost , as they are much less expensive than the full experiment .

experiment tuskegee experiment 226 N:nn:N For the human experimentation incident , see Tuskegee syphilis experiment .

The town was also the site of the now-infamous Tuskegee syphilis experiment , a controversial clinical study conducted by the U. S. Public Health Service from 1932-1972 .

In the 2000s , Baker drew the miniseries , a Captain America storyline with parallels to the infamous Tuskegee experiment , which was later collected as a trade paperback .

experiment digestion experiment 216 N:nn:N Digestion experiments show that 92 per cent of the starch and 72 per cent of the protein are digested .

Digestion experiments show that toast more readily yields to the diastase and other ferments than does wheat bread .

Digestion experiments with rations composed largely of nuts show that they are quite thoroughly digested .

experiment rocket experiment 215 N:nn:N In an effort to learn more about the source of solar X-rays from the quiet Sun , a series of rocket experiments were made .

They represented the direct satellite descendants of the experience gained with the sounding rocket experiments .

Rocket experiments with flight altitudes below 100 metres were still allowed , but such experiments were of no practical interest at all .

experiment experiment experiment 215 N:nn:N Later experiments Other experiments were performed with different animals with similar results .

Field experiments Field experiments are so named in order to draw a contrast with laboratory experiments .

Direct detection experiments Direct detection experiments operate in deep underground laboratories to reduce the background from cosmic rays .

experiment hybridization experiment 208 N:nn:N With the advent of DNA microarrays it is now possible to measure the expression of thousands of genes in a single hybridization experiment .

Before Mendals discovery there was some plant breeding include selection and hybridization experiments .

Hybrid cultivars The tree has featured strongly in artificial hybridization experiments in Europe and to a lesser extent in the USA .

experiment biology experiment 202 N:nn:N Search for life Viking carried a biology experiment whose purpose was to look for life .

Scientific conclusions The most important result for the detection of life came not from the biology experiment , but from the GC-MS .

Shuttleworth performed some biology experiments , as he carried a live rat and sheep stem cells .

experiment pendulum experiment 195 N:nn:N Mr. Tylor also cites a form of the familiar pendulum experiment .

The pendulum measurement differs very considerably from both , and " no two sets of pendulum experiments give the same result .

Over the years , a number of pendulum experiments were performed by scientists around the world to verify his findings .

experiment collider experiment 188 N:nn:N The neutral current interaction was first observed in neutrino scattering experiments in 1974 and in collider experiments in 1983 .

Therefore it is used to build the beam pipe around the collision region in collider particle physics experiments .

With approximately 100 collaborators , SNO was a rather small group compared to collider experiments .

experiment experiment package 187 N:nn:N The upper section , which contained the experiment package , was shaped like a truncated cone .

AFP-675 consisted of six experiment packages mounted on a pallet in the Discovery 's cargo bay .

STS-64 was a Space Shuttle Discovery mission to perform multiple experiment packages .

experiment lhc experiment 185 N:nn:N The Long Island MAN and the Chicago Area MAN were specifically built to facilitate the movement of data from the LHC experiments .

The LHC experiments should be able to test this model definitively .

Until the start of the LHC experiments , COMPASS was the largest experiment at CERN taking data .

experiment avery-macleod-mccarty experiment 181 N:nn:N 220-222 Scientists looking back on the Avery-MacLeod-McCarty experiment have disagreed about just how influential it was in the 1940s and early 1950s .

Despite the scientific importance of this work , which became known as the Avery-MacLeod-McCarty experiment , Avery , MacLeod , and McCarty were never awarded a Nobel Prize for their discovery .

Research By 1959 , experiments and analysis such as the Avery-MacLeod-McCarty experiment , the Hershey-Chase experiment , the and the Meselson-Stahl experiment had shown DNA to be the molecule of genetic information .

experiment stern-gerlach experiment 176 N:nn:N The standard technique is to use a Stern-Gerlach experiment .

Later the experimental setup was improved by Otto Stern and Walther Gerlach and became known as Stern-Gerlach experiment .

This is done in a way that is very similar to the famous Stern-Gerlach experiment .

experiment ganzfeld experiment 175 N:nn:N The effect is a component of a Ganzfeld experiment , a technique used in the field of parapsychology .

He is one of the foremost skeptical experts on the Ganzfeld experiment .

Parapsychologists generally regard such tests as the ganzfeld experiment as providing compelling evidence for the existence of ESP .

experiment teleportation experiment 168 N:nn:N Ben moves on to college and is invited to watch Reed 's teleportation experiment .

Ben moved on to college and was invited to watch Reed 's teleportation experiment .

Soon after , a teleportation experiment with another baboon proved successful .

experiment hershey-chase experiment 168 N:nn:N At that time DNA was not yet accepted as the carrier of hereditary information , which only was the case after the Hershey-Chase experiment of 1952 .

Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase furthered Avery 's research in 1952 with the Hershey-Chase experiment .

The Hershey-Chase experiment in 1952 showed that only DNA and not protein enters a bacterial cell upon infection with bacteriophage T2 .

experiment brook farm experiment 158 N:nn:N Like the Brook Farm experiment the Seneca Falls Convention was the outcome of a great wave of idealism sweeping over the world .

" We have already seen the issue of the famous Brook Farm experiment , which was a practical outcome of the reforming agitation .

In the 1840s , she was a teacher at the Brook Farm communal experiment in West Roxbury , Massachusetts .

experiment asch experiment 158 N:nn:N The basic setup is very similar to an Asch conformity experiment .

See conformity , and the Asch conformity experiments .

The Asch conformity experiments took place at Swarthmore .

experiment diffraction experiment 157 N:nn:N Such a beam can then be used to perform a diffraction experiment .

Young showed by means of a diffraction experiment that light behaved as waves .

He also performed two important diffraction experiments using fibers and long narrow strips .

experiment laser experiment 152 N:nn:N The caverns have now become the home of a series of ring laser experiments set up by the University of Canterbury 's physics department .

Applications The FASOR in the image is used for laser guide star experiments .

Lunar laser ranging experiments have failed to detect a return signal from it since the 1970s .

experiment babar experiment 147 N:nn:N As research director , she has overseen the BaBar experiment .

The BaBar experiment has increased the accuracy to which this effect has been experimentally measured .

In 2005 , the BaBar experiment announced the discovery of a new state : Y(4260 ) .

experiment travel experiment 144 N:nn:N This is where all time travel experiments are performed .

She discovers Doc 's model of the time travel experiment and rides out after him .

They funded the time travel experiments to try and find their purpose .

experiment syphilis experiment 142 N:nn:N For the human experimentation incident , see Tuskegee syphilis experiment .

The town was also the site of the now-infamous Tuskegee syphilis experiment , a controversial clinical study conducted by the U. S. Public Health Service from 1932-1972 .

" ( Beecher 1966 ) Belmont Report The Tuskegee syphilis experiment was among the most influential in shaping public perceptions of research involving human subjects .

experiment trouton-noble experiment 140 N:nn:N Repeatable results from the Trouton-Noble experiment have not supported such claims .

References See also Aether drag hypothesis Trouton-Noble experiment Trouton-Rankine experiment Michelson-Morley experiment

Eventually , due to a null result in the Michelson-Morley and Trouton-Noble experiments , as well as other similar experiments , this analogy came to be accepted as a negative analogy - we now accept that light has no physical medium , unlike sound and water waves .

experiment evolution experiment 140 N:nn:N DNA shuffling is a similar but less powerful method used in directed evolution experiments .

The experiment continues to this day , and is by now probably the largest controlled evolution experiment ever undertaken .

Such evolution experiments require host systems with short generation times like bacteria or invertebrates .

experiment s experiment 139 N:nn:N After considering various regions of the province , the Commission selected the Fraser Valley as the site of B. C. s book experiment .

Galileo ' s experiments were thus the first ever controls in the newborn science of astrobiological remote sensing .

experiment middeck experiment 138 N:nn:N In addition , a middeck materials processing experiment was flown .

All five middeck experiments also were deemed to have operated successfully .

All the middeck experiments were deemed to have operated or performed successfully .

experiment inoculation experiment 136 N:nn:N In each case a simple inoculation experiment may decide the point at once .

If death follows shortly after the injection of cultivations of bacteria , the inoculation experiments should be repeated two or three times .

The material can now be utilized for cover-slip preparations , cultivations and inoculation experiment .

experiment slit experiment 134 N:nn:N When the double slit experiment was performed , light acted in some cases as a wave , and some cases as a particle .

Introduction The quantum eraser experiment is a variation of Young 's double slit experiment .

Only Many Worlds can explain quantum superposition effects , such as those observed in single-particle double slit experiments .

experiment balloon experiment 133 N:nn:N Between 1893 and 1921 Süring took part in numerous scientific high altitude balloon experiments .

QMAP is a balloon experiment to measure the anisotropy of the Cosmic microwave background .

This initial balloon experiment by John A. Dahlgren led to intensified balloon spying during the remainder of the war .

experiment scale experiment 132 N:nn:N This was as such the very first large scale experiment .

Valuing large scale management experiments for natural resources .

These systems are especially useful for larger scale laboratory experiments ( over 20 mL ) and offer the option for large-scale production .

experiment meselson-stahl experiment 130 N:nn:N Accessed 22 December 2006 Final confirmation of the replication mechanism that was implied by the double-helical structure followed in 1958 through the Meselson-Stahl experiment .

" A critical confirmation of the replication mechanism that was implied by the double-helical structure followed in 1958 in the form of the Meselson-Stahl experiment .

The semiconservative model was verified by the Meselson-Stahl experiment and other even more revealing experiments that allowed for autoradiographic visualization of the distribution of old and new strands within replicated chromosomes .

experiment rosenhan experiment 129 N:nn:N The Rosenhan experiment in the 1970s also provides a comparison of life inside several mental hospitals .

He is best known for the Rosenhan experiment .

The Rosenhan experiment was a famous experiment into the validity of psychiatric diagnosis conducted by psychologist David Rosenhan in 1973 .

experiment space experiment 128 N:nn:N It will also carry out several space materials experiments .

Two micrometeorite collection experiments , as well as three space phenomena photography experiments , were not fully completed .

Major missions have included launching numerous satellites and interplanetary probes , conducting space science experiments , and servicing and construction of space stations .

experiment psychology experiment 128 N:nn:N PsyScope : A new graphic interactive environment for designing psychology experiments .

The company participates in multifarious psychology experiments on actors / actresses , directors as well as on another filmmakers .

In research and experiments A shill in a psychology experiment , or the like , is called a " confederate " .

experiment gold foil experiment 127 N:nn:N Following research was done to figure out the exact atomic structure which led to Rutherfords gold foil experiment .

While still an undergraduate he conducted the famous Geiger-Marsden experiment called the gold foil experiment in 1909 together with Hans Geiger under Rutherford 's supervision .

In 1907 he began work with Ernest Rutherford at the University of Manchester and in 1909 along with Ernest Marsden conducted the famous Geiger-Marsden experiment called the gold foil experiment .

experiment flight experiment 126 N:nn:N Spacehab carried 22 individual flight experiments in materials and life sciences research .

Spacehab carried 22 individual flight experiments in materials processing and human factors .

Overview The goal of the project is to conduct a flight experiment of a scramjet engine at Mach 5 using a sounding rocket .

experiment detection experiment 126 N:nn:N The payload also included a nuclear particle detection experiment .

Direct detection experiments Direct detection experiments operate in deep underground laboratories to reduce the background from cosmic rays .

This same control was to be used for any of the three life detection experiments that showed a positive initial result .

experiment kite experiment 124 N:nn:N The documentary questioned whether Franklin really did conduct his famous kite experiment .

The similarity of lightning to the electricity developed by an electrical machine was demonstrated by Franklin in his memorable kite experiments .

Around June of 1752 , Franklin reportedly performed his famous kite experiment .

experiment research experiment 124 N:nn:N In cancer research experiments , tumor cells are sometimes injected into an experimental animal to establish a tumor .

The window is created in a minor military research experiment that goes awry .

As part of a research experiment on animal language acquisition , Washoe developed an ability to communicate with humans using ASL .

experiment particle accelerator experiment 122 N:nn:N Since then the antiparticles of many other subatomic particles have been created in particle accelerator experiments .

Applications Certain kinds of particle accelerator experiments involve colliding positrons and electrons at relativistic speeds .

However , to date , no such events have ever been detected either directly or indirectly as a deficiency of the mass balance in particle accelerator experiments .

experiment nuclear physics experiment 122 N:nn:N Gaseous scintillators have also been used in nuclear physics experiments .

LIDO was an enriched uranium thermal swimming pool reactor which operated from 1956 to 1972 and was mainly used for shielding and nuclear physics experiments .

html subsequently used for nuclear physics experiments .

experiment esp experiment 122 N:nn:N A comparison of old and new methods of response to targets in ESP experiments .

Levy had reported on a series of successful ESP experiments involving computer-controlled manipulation of non-human subjects , including eggs and rats .

During the Apollo 14 flight he conducted private ESP experiments with his friends on Earth .

experiment genetics experiment 122 N:nn:N Taura Sergeant Taura of Dendarii Mercenaries started life as genetics experiment .

Folklore Urban legend holds that lovebugs are synthetic the result of a University of Florida genetics experiment gone wrong .

Proof that the genetic code is a degenerate triplet code finally came from genetics experiments , some of which were performed by Crick .

experiment x-ray experiment 121 N:nn:N It was a military satellite on which X-ray astronomy experiments had been added .

Cosmos 215 was launched April 19 , 1968 and contained an X-ray experiment .

Hugh designed the first X-Ray experiments in Canada which produced satisfactory images used in hospitals .

experiment prison experiment 120 N:nn:N These results were confirmed in other experiments as well , such as the Stanford prison experiment .

The Stanford prison experiment was a study of the psychological effects of becoming a prisoner or prison guard .

These results were subsequently corroborated by the Stanford prison experiment , even though both experiments were non-repeatable .

experiment conformity experiment 120 N:nn:N The basic setup is very similar to an Asch conformity experiment .

See conformity , and the Asch conformity experiments .

Research Solomon Asch conducted his classic conformity experiments in an attempt to discover if people would still conform when the right answer was obvious .

experiment nuclear fission experiment 119 N:nn:N The G-III model was superior to nuclear fission chain reaction experiments that had been conducted at the KWIP in Berlin-Dahem , the University of Heidelberg , or the University of Leipzig .

On 25 January 1939 , a Columbia University team conducted the first nuclear fission experiment in the United States , H. L. Anderson , E. T. Booth , J. R. Dunning , E. Fermi , G. N. Glasoe , and F. G. Slack .

On 25 January 1939 , an experimental team at Columbia University conducted the first nuclear fission experiment in the United States , H. L. Anderson , E. T. Booth , J. R. Dunning , E. Fermi , G. N. Glasoe , and F. G. Slack The Fission of Uranium , Phys .

experiment lawes experiment 119 N:nn:N But let us return to Mr. Lawes wonderful experiments .

The superphosphate was a good article , similar to that used in Mr. Lawes experiments .

Mr. Lawes experiments afford conclusive evidence on this point .

experiment experiment worth 119 N:nn:N At any rate it was an experiment worth trying .

From what you have just told me the farm is certainly an experiment worth seeing .

Men may consider these experiments worth trying in the face of a determined hostility on the part of the subject of them .

experiment casp experiment 118 N:nn:N Every two years , the performance of current methods is assessed in the CASP experiment .

Progress over the first decade of CASP experiments .

It has participated as an automated prediction server in the biannual CASP experiments since CASP5 in 2002 , performing among the best in the automated server prediction category .

experiment interference experiment 118 N:nn:N To measure the Berry phase in a wave system , an interference experiment is required .

Viewed in this way , the single photon interference experiment is indistinguishable from the multiple photon interference experiment .

Nairz O , Arndt M , and Zeilinger A. Quantum interference experiments with large molecules .

experiment geiger-marsden experiment 117 N:nn:N Physics Ernest Rutherford explains the Geiger-Marsden experiment and derives the Rutherford cross section by deducing the existence of a compact atomic nucleus from scattering experiments .

He is perhaps best known as the co-inventor of the Geiger counter and for the Geiger-Marsden experiment which discovered the Atomic nucleus .

While still an undergraduate he conducted the famous Geiger-Marsden experiment called the gold foil experiment in 1909 together with Hans Geiger under Rutherford 's supervision .

experiment quantum experiment 112 N:nn:N An Instrumentalist interpretation is a description of quantum experiments .

Quantum immortality is a metaphysical speculation derived from the quantum suicide thought experiment .

Many other experiments are presented in this chapter , such as the delayed choice quantum eraser experiment .

experiment experiment sample 112 N:nn:N Known amounts of RNA spike-ins are mixed with the experiment sample during preparation .

It can establish medium to steep temperature gradients along the experiment sample .

Charlotte , an experimental robotic device being flown for first time , also reduced crew workload by taking over simple tasks such as changing experiment samples .

experiment experiment harvard university press 111 N:nn:N William G. Welk , " Fascist economy policy ; an analysis of Italy 's economic experiment " , Harvard University Press , 1938 .

experiment deprivation experiment 110 N:nn:N Only sleep stage deprivation experiments can answer the question whether one stage or another is more restorative , and these are discussed next .

Modern uses The Ganzfeld experiment is a sensory deprivation experiment inspired by scrying .

Eventually his conscience gets the better of him during a pointless sensory deprivation experiment on a monkey .

experiment transplantation experiment 110 N:nn:N The results of the transplantation experiment may only be due to the transplanted salmon following the lead of the native salmon .

Transplantation experiments are commonly used in conjunction with the genetic manipulation and lineage tracing .

Dog and primate brain transplantation experiments were conducted in the mid-20th century but failed due to rejection and the inability to restore nerve connections .

experiment experiment data 106 N:nn:N The flight computer is designed to control the satellite and manage telemetry and experiment data for a minimum of two years .

The experiment data was used to calculate the result if the entire Chinese population were to jump in unison .

Data from the scanning radiometer were processed , with algorithms developed from the field experiment data , to produce maps of chlorophyll absorption .

experiment growth experiment 104 N:nn:N Among plant growth experiments were Astroculture , flying for fourth time on Shuttle .

Aboard these Space Shuttle missions Walker also performed early protein crystal growth experiments and participated as a test subject in numerous medical studies .

Other crew members checked on the protein crystal growth experiments , performed some Auroral Photography experiments and checked the orbiter windows for any debris impacts .

experiment neutron experiment 103 N:nn:N Furthermore , the landmark neutron interferometry experiments performed here have played an important role in opening the field of experimental quantum mechanics .

The name is an abbreviation of cryogenic neutron EDM experiment .

Then the two installed a BTN neutron experiment , which characterizes charged and neutral particles in low Earth orbit .

experiment spectrometry experiment 103 N:nn:N The compound was described in 1997 as a transient species in mass spectrometry experiments .

This cluster was first discovered in mass spectrometry experiments .

Nevertheless , tetraoxygen has been detected as a short-lived chemical species in mass spectrometry experiments .

experiment little albert experiment 103 N:nn:N Watson wrote extensively on child development and conducted research ( see Little Albert experiment ) .

He also conducted the controversial " Little Albert " experiment .

He wrote extensively on child development and conducted research ( see Little Albert experiment ) .