English Collocations

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smoker cigarette smoker 1751 N:nn:N He 'd live as normal a life as a cigarette smoker .

An increase in miscarriage is also associated with the father being a cigarette smoker .

There has also been a drop in the number of cigarette smokers .

smoker chain smoker 942 N:nn:N He was an amateur painter and a chain smoker .

We used to do that all the time chain smoker .

He 's still as much a chain smoker as before .

smoker opium smoker 903 N:nn:N Modern day Iran has the highest amount of opium smokers in the world .

Opium joint , a low resort of opium smokers .

That 's the sure sign of the habitual opium smoker .

smoker cigar smoker 718 N:nn:N Bones , who was no cigar smoker , watched the proceedings anxiously .

This lower risk of lung cancer among pipe and cigar smokers is due to the lesser amount smoked and the lower degree of inhalation .

Cancer of the larynx is also developed by pipe and cigar smokers at rates comparable to those of cigarette smokers ( ie .

smoker pipe smoker 686 N:nn:N Cancer of the lip in pipe smokers is a case in point .

When I went out there , I was a pipe smoker .

Ron Carter is a pipe smoker and has been featured in a few advertisements for tobacco pipes , clothing lines , and basses .

smoker tobacco smoker 422 N:nn:N Halitosis or bad breath is common among tobacco smokers .

It is used particularly to refer to opiate users and tobacco smokers .

Psychology Most tobacco smokers begin during adolescence or early adulthood .

smoker marijuana smoker 325 N:nn:N He later studied the identity formation of marijuana smokers .

Cue reactivity in young marijuana smokers : a preliminary investigation .

It is incorrect to use it for the high obtained by inhaling the smoke of other marijuana smokers .

smoker cannabis smoker 246 N:nn:N The same approach is investigated to be used for identifying heavy coffee drinkers , cannabis smokers , and users of various other drugs .

For example , unlike tobacco smokers , cannabis smokers typically follow a custom of sharing a single pipe among two or more people .

Altered regional blood volume in chronic cannabis smokers .

smoker us tareyton smoker 181 N:nn:N Another popular slogan from the 1960s was " Us Tareyton smokers would rather fight than switch !

In each commercial , the protagonist would say " Us Tareyton smokers would rather fight than switch !

See also " Us Tareyton smokers would rather fight than switch !

smoker woman smoker 159 N:nn:N The men are all confirmed sak� drinkers , and both men and women persistent smokers .

Women smokers were not confined to any one class of society .

Though portrayals of women smokers became more common , they were shown in a negative light because smoking was still not acceptable for women .

smoker pot smoker 132 N:nn:N Thunder Canyon is infamous for it 's dense population of pot smokers and drug abusers .

The small entrance vestibule inside this entryway was historically known as the " Airlock " by house pot smokers .

Her father was a " former pot smoker with anger-management problems " and her mother was a " Republican with an anti-authoritarian streak " .

smoker hashish smoker 131 N:nn:N The hashish smoker does not desire any luxury or brightness .

Hashish smokers are without exception homicidal maniacs , vicious criminals .

Kou�dah , the boy , ran on naked feet to tell him in the caf� of the hashish smokers .