English Collocations

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relations filter:   N:prep:N
basisword collocation significance relation examples sentences
smoker number of smoker 274 N:prep:N The number of smokers has fallen from 45 per cent .

There has also been a drop in the number of cigarette smokers .

Since then , the number of smokers has been reduced by one quarter .

smoker cancer in smoker 223 N:prep:N Recent studies have found an increased risk of diseases other than lung cancer in passive smokers .

However , results from at least three studies suggest that heavy alcohol consumption may increase the risk of stomach cancer in heavy smokers .

The view that polonium 210 is responsible for many cases of cancer in tobacco smokers is disputed by at least one researcher .

smoker smoker of cigarette 220 N:prep:N The most disgusting thing ever created is a smoker of cigarettes !

Caruso was a heavy smoker of strong Egyptian cigarettes , too .

Pramoedya was also known to be a heavy smoker of clove cigarettes and had encountered years of abuse .

smoker smoker than nonsmoker 131 N:prep:N The loss of oestrogen at the onset of menopause may also be greater in smokers than nonsmokers .