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experiment experiment show 12905 V:subj:N Meanwhile , scientific experiments have shown no great benefits .

Many others have been designed , and experiments have shown various levels of success .

The initial experiments on the goat have shown promising results .

experiment experiment prove 8112 V:subj:N While the Company planted about 3,000 acres , the experiment proved a failure .

Has the experiment of universal suffrage proven a success ?

These experiments may fairly be said to prove two points .

experiment experiment demonstrate 4174 V:subj:N Henry devised a simple experiment to demonstrate the integration of direct and early sound .

The experiment is used to demonstrate the contact theory of electricity .

Some laboratory experiments and many theoretical studies have demonstrated the theoretical possibility of such a plant .

experiment experiment fail 3680 V:subj:N The theory remained the same , although the experiment had failed .

The Great Depression hit shortly after the buildings opened , and the experiment failed .

While camels were suited to the job of transport in the American Southwest , the experiment failed .

experiment experiment involve 3149 V:subj:N The same principle can be used to extract information in experiments involving the Wilson cloud chamber .

But all these experiments were very expensive , and involved great danger .

Safety is an important issue in all experiments involving MRI .

experiment experiment make 2806 V:subj:N No final action will be taken until after further experiments are made next fall .

But a clear light was not thrown on the subject until Bernard 's experiments were made in 1851 .

For the most part these experiments were made with poisonous drugs .

experiment experiment try 2745 V:subj:N For my part , I should love to see the experiment tried .

At any rate , I feel curious to see the experiment tried .

But , next , the experiment was not tried .

experiment experiment succeed 2501 V:subj:N If the latter is Joseph 's object , how does the experiment succeed ?

But the experiment has not succeeded and can hardly succeed .

The experiment has succeeded in both Europe and America .

experiment experiment conduct 2278 V:subj:N In the 1930s , experiments were conducted on monkeys .

For the time being , however , the matter was set aside while further experiments with the radio telephone were conducted .

Twenty eight experiments were conducted in the course of the 115 day flight .

experiment experiment perform 2184 V:subj:N Yet a decision is possible if an experiment is performed .

The experiment is best performed on a bright day .

Thus a great physical experiment is constantly being performed for us in the sun .

experiment experiment carry out 1956 V:subj:N Food was brought aboard , and numerous medical and biological experiments were carried out .

The satellites final robot experiment was carried out on 29 November .

The second experiment was carried out on the South Downs .

experiment experiment use 1864 V:subj:N Wild Planet also contains the band 's first experiments using electronic drum machines .

The experiment can be repeated using different creep forces .

The experiment was repeated in successive years , using two cars in 1953 .

experiment experiment confirm 1731 V:subj:N Similar experiments in other laboratories have confirmed these results .

More accurate experiments , performed much later , have also confirmed these results .

Several researchers attempted similar experiments in the late 1920s and early 1930s but the results could not always be confirmed .

experiment experiment suggest 1633 V:subj:N The experiments suggested the model of the entire software development cycle existed as a series of translations .

We are not aware that the experiment here suggested has ever been carried out .

These experiments lead him to suggest the learning curve .

experiment experiment test 1412 V:subj:N For example , an experiment is designed to test a new drug on patients .

The project began as an experiment to test the effectiveness of the Microsoft .

However , an experiment may also test a question or test previous results .

experiment experiment indicate 1404 V:subj:N Laboratory experiments indicated lower levels of activity even in lighting conditions consistent with a full moon .

The experiment has indicated a possible way of reaching the velocity of electricity in absolute measure .

Kuleshov used the experiment to indicate the usefulness and effectiveness of film editing .

experiment experiment determine 1394 V:subj:N Institute researchers then began a series of experiments to determine the protein 's characteristics .

Voltaire 's experiments included an attempt to determine the elements of fire .

Before the war an interesting experiment was carried out to determine how speedily a vessel could be built .

experiment experiment repeat 1348 V:subj:N Due to poor weather and a lack of public interest , the experiment was not repeated .

Matches were restricted to two days to begin with , but the experiment was not repeated .

Many businesses followed suit though many others did not ; the experiment was not repeated .

experiment experiment lead to 1263 V:subj:N These experiments , however , led to no result .

From a careful review of all the surroundings , we think the Wyoming experiment will lead to beneficial results .

The experiments of others have led to the same results .

experiment experiment take place 1089 V:subj:N Across the Atlantic , similar experiments were taking place .

Sometimes a quantity of blood was drawn from the patient , previously to the experiment taking place .

In 1783 , rotation experiments were taking place at the state level .

experiment band experiment 869 V:subj:N Starting in late 1998 , the band began experimenting with a different sound .

History The band formed in Sheffield in 1973 and experimented widely with sound creation and processing .

In 1983 the band experimented with an additional second lead bass player , Brent Turner .

experiment experiment reveal 820 V:subj:N The experiments also revealed the strong influence of social systems outside the chain of management on worker performance .

However , the elementary theory does not suffice to interpret the complications which later experiments have revealed .

Pages might be needed to explain what a very simple experiment will reveal at a glance .

experiment experiment result 781 V:subj:N These experiments resulted in the developing of radar for fire control .

Typically , the experiments resulted in death , disfigurement or permanent disability .

The experiments resulted in the following formula for flow from coupling : 1 .

experiment experiment produce 745 V:subj:N In Old Spain the same experiment has been tried , and has produced the same result .

Experiments with such eggs upon dogs produce poisonous effects .

From 1931 for several years experiments were conducted with the object of determining how to best produce prime export lambs .

experiment experiment end 682 V:subj:N If the coin comes up heads , Beauty is awakened and interviewed on Monday , and then the experiment ends .

When Donald began to copy Gua 's sounds the experiment ended .

The experiments ended with the closing of the mine in 1992 .

experiment experiment last 670 V:subj:N These experiments began in the early 1930s and lasted more than 10 years .

The experiment with football lasted only a year before returning almost a decade later in 1919 .

The experiments lasted three days and required special permits from civil and military aviation .

experiment experiment measure 651 V:subj:N Medical tests were also carried out , including experiments to measure blood flow to the brain .

Thus , the experiment was only able to measure the relative boiling points of the two waters .

Reactor experiments also have the ability to measure 13 .

experiment experiment begin 617 V:subj:N The rate of flow of water through the apparatus is determined before the experiment begins .

The experiments began at half past three o'clock in the afternoon .

These experiments began in the early 1930s and lasted more than 10 years .

experiment artist experiment 548 V:subj:N Thirty or so years ago , some American artists started experimenting with the form .

At the same time in the Soviet Union several other artists were experimenting with similar ideas .

The first industrial artists experimented with noise and controversial topics .

experiment experiment illustrate 515 V:subj:N An experiment conducted in Britain supports kin selection The experiment is illustrated by diagrams below .

The sure fate of any such mad experiment had been well illustrated in the time of Andros .

Second , Blackman 's experiments illustrate the concept of limiting factors .

experiment experiment provide 505 V:subj:N The questions arise : Does the same experiment provide equally good backing for any other theory ?

The experiment provided 83 hours of high quality data during the first lunar day .

The experiment provided 46 hours of data accumulated from three lunar surface sample measurements .

experiment experiment go wrong 483 V:subj:N However , he vanished when the experiment went wrong .

The experiment goes wrong , however , and the Creature escapes .

The experiment went wrong , and Burley was believed to be dead .

experiment experiment detect 433 V:subj:N Some years ago a delicate experiment was tried for the purpose of detecting the ether .

In 1945 , experiments tested the effectiveness of radar in detecting icebergs .

But , on the other hand , repeated experiments failed to detect even the most watery flavor of conviviality in the composition .

experiment experiment investigate 432 V:subj:N In particular , the experiment to investigate the behaviour of a computer science system was very difficult for students .

Results and Discussion Two basic approaches can be followed when using long-term laboratory heating experiments to investigate the generating potential of coals .

In 1985 , a series of experiments to investigate atmospheric dispersion of gases was carried out on the island .

experiment experiment continue 397 V:subj:N Several guards became increasingly cruel as the experiment continued .

The stranger approaches the scientist once again and supplies another body so the experiments can continue .

The experiments continued until the end of September 1880 .

experiment experiment require 393 V:subj:N To measure the Berry phase in a wave system , an interference experiment is required .

Many experiments will be required ere arriving at satisfactory results .

Some psychological experiments require subjects to compare themselves to an " average " peer .

experiment experiment yield 388 V:subj:N These experiments may yield valuable results through careful chemical research work supplemented by equally careful observations in the field .

In the same way the greatest sensation must be explained , which the experiments before my arrival yielded .

The aether drag hypothesis was an early attempt to explain why experiments such as Arago 's yielded a constant speed of light .

experiment scientist experiment 368 V:subj:N Character overview and history Bruce Banner was a scientist experimenting with radiation .

Meanwhile , American scientists have been experimenting with other renewable energy , including solar power .

It features a scientist experimenting with a bowl of melted chocolate and another bowl of milk .

experiment experiment convince 357 V:subj:N This experiment must have convinced all the world of the truth of the discovery .

This inclined me first to think that colors contribute much to electricity , but three experiments convinced me to the contrary .

The experiments conducted in India by Dr. Cunningham have been convincing enough on this point .

experiment winemaker experiment 321 V:subj:N In the late 20th century , modern winemaker begun experimenting with the use of oak barrel aging .

experiment experiment study 318 V:subj:N The group sets about a series of tests and experiments to study the vampire .

Individual nodes launched by different space agencies can and likely will carry additional , unique experiments to study local or global lunar science .

Other experiments would study how things can be manufactured in space .

experiment experiment include 307 V:subj:N Voltaire 's experiments included an attempt to determine the elements of fire .

With very few exceptions only such experiments are included in the text as cannot be easily carried out by the student .

The experiment included three parts : facial expressions , grasping and a control experiment .

experiment experiment seem 306 V:subj:N These experiments seem not to have been carried out .

At the outset the experiments seem to have been somewhat cautiously made .

But every novel experiment seems doomed to fail , or meet with some disaster .

experiment experiment lead 301 V:subj:N Reid 's experiments led to no change whatever in medical practice .

Listen to the conclusions my personal experiments have led me to foresee .

Such at any rate is the view to which recent experiment has led us .

experiment experiment carry 292 V:subj:N In 2004 the experiment was also carried on in Cambodia .

Further experiments were carried on in the same districts with varying results .

The latter experiments were carried on in alternate series with those already described .

experiment company experiment 275 V:subj:N The company also experimented in a variety of ventures .

In 1747 , the company experimented unsuccessfully with cannon making and steel production .

The company experimented with pay-per-view streaming of Carnival in 2010 .

experiment experiment create 259 V:subj:N These experiments created considerable interest in the agricultural circles of Austria and Italy .

These experiments were made in order to create the perfect human agent but when funding was excavated so were the subjects .

Pretorius performs experiments creating life similar to Henry 's .

experiment first experiment 257 V:subj:N First experimented in 1983 through a company called Colorization Inc. , a subsidiary of Hal Roach Studios , it was first publicly shown at the 1984 The Sons of the Desert-sponsored International Helpmates Convention .

experiment experiment ascertain 254 V:subj:N One must perform the experiment to ascertain the result .

Certain experiments detailed in his work were made to ascertain the size of the surface necessary for the support of any given weight .

Careful experiments were made to ascertain whether the effect was produced through the sight of the caterpillar .

experiment experiment consist of 250 V:subj:N The experiment consisted of a speed boat making a jump over an obstacle and continuing to operate safely .

The main experiment consists of sensors to determine the spacecraft 's attitude .

The experiment consisted of two students , seated at tables separated by an opaque screen .

experiment designer experiment 243 V:subj:N In the late sixteenth century , the Arsenal 's designers experimented with larger ships as platforms for heavy naval guns .

Designers also experimented with using large sets of internal registers .

History Designers have experimented with the feet forward riding position since the early days of motorcycling .

experiment experiment give 240 V:subj:N Other experiments of the same kind gave similar results .

The common thought experiment given is to imagine a world without any money .

To save time , a different experiment may be given to each pupil , and the results reported .

experiment experiment turn out 235 V:subj:N The second experiment did n't turn out like the first one .

His experiment was not turning out at all as he had planned .

My experiment was turning out costly , yet now that I had all but taken possession I ceased to allow this to trouble me .

experiment experiment design 226 V:subj:N For example , an experiment is designed to test a new drug on patients .

The experiment was designed to test various materials ' exposure to space .

These experiments are designed to test some of the most imaginative and far reaching ideas ever proposed in physics .

experiment producer experiment 223 V:subj:N In recent times , producers have been focusing more experimenting with the abundance of unique Portuguese grape varieties as well as international varieties .

However , since the late 20th century more producers have begun experimenting with some degree of oak fermentation or aging .

Over the course of the remainder of the year , channel producers experimented with different format designs , including removing the side bar over midweek .

experiment experiment attempt 216 V:subj:N In Washington and other cities the most desperate experiments in sanitation were attempted .

These experiments were too short to attempt long-term agriculture or animal husbandry .

The judgment became final in 2004 , but the Radio AAHS experiment of music recorded specifically for kids was never attempted again .

experiment navy experiment 214 V:subj:N By the 1830s many navies were experimenting with steam-powered warships .

Aircraft cruisers From time to time , some navies have experimented with aircraft-carrying cruisers .

At the beginning of the 21st century , navies started experimenting with catapults powered by linear induction motors and electromagnets .

experiment experiment go 214 V:subj:N Very few men , indeed , have more reason to be satisfied as far as the experiment has gone .

Now the experiments were in progress , and going beautifully .

Such experiments go a good way towards proving the case for an artificial language .

experiment experiment backfire 213 V:subj:N The experiment backfired , as Forster responded with a 2-12 record .

These experiments backfire and the Xel'Naga are largely destroyed by the Zerg .

The experiment backfired and it brought out the flaws in each Technobot , resulting in insanity for Computron .

experiment experiment work 212 V:subj:N The experiment of popular government was not working particularly well .

The experiment seems to have worked to some extent in rural schools with farms attached .

But in this particular school the experiment had been tried , and did n't work .

experiment experiment undertake 206 V:subj:N Some years ago certain experiments in aerial firing with a rifle were undertaken in Switzerland .

Recently many experiments have been undertaken on the effect of electricity on growth .

The experiment has been undertaken to show how far diesel technology has come in the last 20 years .

experiment experiment consist 206 V:subj:N The American experiment had begun and consisted mainly of white men with a European heritage .

The experiment consisted in finding whether the plant , near the point of death , gave any signal of the approaching crisis .

An experiment showing the extra or self-induced current consists in arranging the motor as shown in Fig .

experiment experiment verify 202 V:subj:N Lab experiments have verified the presence of arousal in dissonance situations .

The test theories give a mathematical framework for analysing results of experiments to verify relativity .

Because it was doubtful , experiments were devised to verify it .

experiment researcher experiment 198 V:subj:N During this phase , researchers in the US experimented with the material in great detail .

In the space race and nuclear arms race , Caltech researchers experimented with using synthetic rubbers for solid fuel for rockets .

Some researchers and applications have experimented with combining structured hierarchy and " flat " tagging to aid in information retrieval .

experiment result experiment 197 V:subj:N Be that as it may , the result of the earnest study given the matter , and the previous experience gained in experimenting with other processes , was that a practical method of mounting fish was devised , a method by means of which the angler can successfully mount his own specimens .

experiment group experiment 196 V:subj:N In early 1960 , the group started experimenting with alternative names .

The group wrote poetry and prose in completely different forms and experimented with the contents .

Many groups of people with different needs and problems experimented with different ways of living together .

experiment experiment find 194 V:subj:N To impress the foregoing principles , a few experiments will be found most useful .

But if we continue the experiment , different gods and different teachers are found to be much the same .

Experiments have found similar genes in a variety of animals and insects .

experiment composer experiment 193 V:subj:N In his early student days in Seattle , the young composer experimented with jazz , ragtime and romantic art songs .

Composers also experimented with word painting in Italian madrigals of the 16th and 17th centuries .

French composers of the 17th century experimented with the allemande , shifting to quadruple meter and ranging more widely in tempo .

experiment experiment start 192 V:subj:N The first two experiments started taking data in 1992 .

Then the window was sealed in and the experiment started as soon as possible .

First farming experiments based on the outcome of the study have started .

experiment experiment observe 183 V:subj:N As a " historical science " it tries to explain causes rather than conduct experiments to observe effects .

The experiment observed the light produced by relativistic electrons in the water created by neutrino interactions .

This experiment observed an annual change in the rate of signals in the detector .

experiment experiment abandon 172 V:subj:N The experiment was abandoned in the autumn of 1847 .

In 1847 , the atmospheric propulsion experiment was abandoned .

The experiment was abandoned , and the mirrors left to decay .

experiment experiment compare 170 V:subj:N However , no properly controlled experiments have compared these drugs in humans .

In the problem of the observer observed section above , let us imagine that the two experiments want to compare results .

We have had experiments to compare the relative quickness of perception proved by men and women .

experiment experiment go on 168 V:subj:N Mr. Waldron : We have experiments going on at the agricultural college now .

Amos 's great experiment was still going on .

As a result , experiments with unsettling implications may be going on behind everyone 's backs .

experiment experiment develop 162 V:subj:N By 1936 experiments with Bordeaux mixture were developed to control the disease .

German experiments developed an electric surface car with a speed of two miles a minute .

So these experiments also developed no practical improvement in the existing means of communication .

experiment experiment tend 161 V:subj:N All modern experiments tend to explode the older theories .

The experiment of maintaining bad State governments by the presence and activity of federal troops did not tend to social pacification .

All analogy seemed to urge the truth of this inference ; all experiment tended to confirm it .

experiment experiment disprove 160 V:subj:N The experiment was created to disprove popular arguments against the idea of a rotating Earth .

Experiments have been conducted and found to both prove and disprove a force at very low pressure .

In 2006 , high energy experiments were targeted at proving or disproving the pentaquark .

experiment experiment focus on 158 V:subj:N In the laboratory , experiments focus on cause and effect processes within human nature .

Current sketch Today , Azalin 's experiments seem to focus on more than just escape .

Experiments have also shown the value of crop rotation , while other experiments focused on the recovery of exhausted soils .

experiment experiment validate 155 V:subj:N Throughout the book , Aronson relies on the use of controlled experiments to validate empirical observation .

Von Frisch performed a series of experiments to validate his theory .

Hypothesis experiments validate specific thesis and Demonstration experiments provide an insight into the realization of the a concept .

experiment musician experiment 145 V:subj:N From a secure base parish musicians can be adventurous in exploring new music and in experimenting with differing styles .

Throughout the history of mariachi , musicians have experimented with brass , wind , and percussion instruments .

Jazz musicians also experimented with timpani .

experiment experiment establish 143 V:subj:N The first twelve voyages were , therefore , regarded in the light of an experiment to establish a solid commerce between England and India .

However , the experiment seems not to have been repeated and did not establish a regular freight trade on the river .

The experiment was established in 1825 and dissolved in 1829 due to constant quarrels .

experiment engineer experiment 141 V:subj:N Early gas engineers experimented extensively with the best shape , size , and setting to adopt .

Brilliant engineers on one side or the other are experimenting with the flood .

Genetic engineers have experimented with modifying goats ' milk and plants ' leaves to produce spider silk .

experiment experiment inspire 141 V:subj:N All these varied experiments were inspired by the same desire , to preserve the likeness of the deceased .

His unauthorized experiments on Earth humans have inspired many accounts of alien abductions .

However , the experiment inspired the work of James Prescott Joule in the 1840s .

experiment station experiment 139 V:subj:N In the early 1920s the station became involved with experimenting with radio .

In 1992 , the station experimented with a change in format .

For a time , the station experimented with general interest talk .

experiment experiment examine 134 V:subj:N The experiments examine effects of the harsh environment of space on a wide range of materials .

Experiments are also done to examine other features found during excavation .

Experiments have therefore been carried out in an effort to examine this question in subjects with intact brains .

experiment time experiment 132 V:subj:N The young man spent much time experimenting with the transmission of sound .

In addition to the lights , Atrus also spent much time experimenting with linking crystals .

At that time the first products manufactured for the chemical and food industries were experimented .

experiment filmmakers experiment 132 V:subj:N In it the filmmakers experimented with techniques they would use in the feature .

The history of anime began at the start of the 20th century , when Japanese filmmakers experimented with the animation techniques that were being explored in the West .

Later performances of Romeo and Juliet have painted different pictures of Romeo and Rosaline 's relationship , as filmmakers have experimented with making Rosaline a more visible character .

experiment experiment cost 132 V:subj:N But there is better chance for profit in doing the old things better , especially when the experiment costs little or nothing .

We broke them easily , but could not pursue , and the experiment cost us a dozen in killed and wounded .

The first experiment cost him a dress , and the second an heiress .

experiment experiment relate 131 V:subj:N These were the first experiments relating to the shroud performed by scientists .

After dinner , Goethe showed me some experiments relating to his theory of colors .

In all experiments relating to temperature pretending to any degree of accuracy , a pyrometer of some kind should be used .

experiment experiment describe 130 V:subj:N The simple thought experiment in question was first described in .

The experiment is thus described by me in the columns of Nature , vol .

In the experiments so far described the filling in of the closed space was always made by means of stationary points .

experiment architect experiment 128 V:subj:N During the middle of the century , some architects began experimenting in organic forms that they felt were more human and accessible .

Mannerism During the Mannerist period , architects experimented with using architectural forms to emphasize solid and spatial relationships .

With space at a premium , architects are experimenting with courtyards as a way to provide outdoor space for small communities of people at a time .

experiment experiment replicate 128 V:subj:N The experiment can be replicated , or the sparsity-of-effects principle can often be exploited .

Committee experiments are usually replicated on the members own farms but the Committee members may also ask other farmers to join in and plant or evaluate experiments .

The Ganzfeld experiment replicates the conditions of a psychomanteum where a state of trance may be induced by a uniform field of vision .

experiment manufacturer experiment 127 V:subj:N At the same time , manufacturers experimented with new filling systems .

Yet piano manufacturers , especially the smaller ones , are still experimenting with ways to build better pianos .

Center console layout Increasingly , manufacturers are experimenting with moving all display portions to the center console .

experiment experiment probe 123 V:subj:N All that has to be taken care of in designing experiments to probe local reality .

As of early 2010 , no accelerator experiments probe energies of sufficient magnitude to provide any insight into the period .

Recent experiments have probed the influence of chemical dopants on the carrier mobility in graphene .

experiment experiment conclude 120 V:subj:N The experiment concluded no significant results would come from the theoretical event .

Of course , when the experiment was concluded , they never failed to find a lump of gold at the bottom .

Early twentieth century experiments by the American military concluded that providing condoms to soldiers significantly lowered rates of sexually transmitted diseases .

experiment experiment support 118 V:subj:N The modern experiment is not supported for the Australian Alps .

Subsequent experiments and observations have supported the initial explanation of the phenomenon .

However , recent experiments carried over by Polish historians in 2001 did not support any of these theories and the phenomenon remains unexplained .

experiment experiment enable 114 V:subj:N In five years the experiment might enable me to check up some of my own conclusions , and so prove very valuable to me .

The experiment will enable you to decide for yourself whether Bill is warmly enough clad .

This experiment will enable you to figure to your mind a pair of clashing atoms .

experiment life foundation experiment 113 V:subj:N The Life Foundation was experimenting with the Venom symbiote in the hopes of developing superhuman peacekeepers to watch over their imagined fallout shelter utopia .

The Life Foundation was experimenting with the Venom symbiote in the hopes of developing superhuman peace-keepers to watch over their imagined fallout shelter utopia .

The Life Foundation was experimenting with the Venom symbiote in the hopes of creating so-called 'super-cops ' to watch over their imagined fallout shelter utopia .

experiment experiment evaluate 109 V:subj:N Scientific and diagnostic experiments to evaluate the effects of the nuclear device were the primary activities engaging military personnel .

Experiments were also done to evaluate how much sway occupants could tolerate .

The Astroculture experiment evaluated a water delivery system to be used for supporting the growth of plants in microgravity .

experiment experiment duplicate 106 V:subj:N All the ancient experiments have been duplicated time and again , and the deadly radiation effect has never been observed .

Over a number of years , other experiments have failed to duplicate this result .

However , his experiments were duplicated many times , always with a null result .

experiment experiment help 106 V:subj:N Such experiments can help narrow the range of plausible explanations .

In the 1920s several experiments were carried out to help with these problems , reducing the number of complex parts .

The next three experiments will help you to understand fuses .

experiment experiment appear 105 V:subj:N The experiment appeared at first to have completely succeeded .

The same experiments appear to have been made in other institutions .

Then he is completely eaten , and the experiment appears to have failed .

experiment hybridization experiment 103 V:subj:N Hybridization with Poa arachnifera During the 1990s botanists began experimenting with hybrids of Poa pratensis and Texas bluegrass ( P. arachnifera ) , with the goal of creating a drought-resistant lawn grass .

experiment experiment extend 102 V:subj:N Smith made many models of boats , his experiments extending over many years .

The sulfur cycle experiment is likely to extend the range downwards .

The present experiment in vocational guidance and placement should be extended as rapidly as possible .

experiment experiment discover 102 V:subj:N Various experiments have been carried out to discover the more detailed dynamics of these processes .

Fletcher carried out an experiment to discover how much of a band of noise contributes to the masking of a tone .

He made many curious experiments to discover the laws of heat , light , and sound .