English Collocations

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smoker smoker smoke 399 V:subj:N Despite the increase in knowledge of the health effects of smoking , many female smokers continue to smoke .

An ordinary smoker will smoke four cigars a day .

Youth smokers have been shown to smoke the most heavily advertised brands .

smoker smoker quit 347 V:subj:N Spirituality Spiritual beliefs and practices may help some smokers quit .

It is a day when smokers quit smoking for at least a day .

In the summer of 1904 , Smoker decided to quit professional football to concentrate on his cricket career .

smoker smoker have 320 V:subj:N Some smokers have an outer grid attached , as a safety guard against burns .

Smokers also have lower levels of some B vitamins .

For example , a smoker might have a habit of only smoking on his porch .

smoker smoker inhale 237 V:subj:N Smokers usually heat the liquid and inhale the vapors through a straw .

Some smokers inhale the smoke into the lungs , particularly with little cigars , but this is uncommon otherwise .

Human smokers inhale smoke voluntarily and therefore do so more deeply than do animal test subjects that typically adopt short , shallow breaths when exposed to smoke .

smoker smoker tend 164 V:subj:N Smoking Smokers tend to be at a lower risk for endometriosis .

So smokers may be more likely to buy insurance , or may tend to buy larger amounts , than non-smokers .

Smokers and alcoholics tend to be UAWs because instead of building net worth , they spend their income to purchase alcohol or cigarettes .

smoker smoker die 121 V:subj:N Smokers die at a younger age and do n't draw on the funds they 've paid into those systems .

About half of cigarette smokers die of tobacco-related disease and lose on average 14 years of life .

Smokers are more likely to die of colorectal cancer than non-smokers .

smoker smoker use 110 V:subj:N For this reason , many smokers prefer to use a glass bottle .

Smokers who want to kick the habit would also use betel nut to wean themselves off tobacco .

Philip chanced to have in his pocket a box of wax-tapers which smokers use .

smoker smoker give up 103 V:subj:N Undoubtedly far more smokers could give up if only health services were more alert .

Thus , for both pharmacological and psychological reasons many smokers experience difficulty in giving up the habit .

Most smokers want to give up because of the effect of smoking on their health - not to mention the smelly clothes , the bad breath , the coughs and wheezes .