English Collocations

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basisword collocation significance relation examples sentences
experiment to make experiment 14177 V:obj:N At any rate , I propose to make the experiment .

Once and again we have all made the experiment .

At any rate , I guess you 'd better make the experiment .

make to make experiment 14177 V:obj:N At any rate , I propose to make the experiment .

Once and again we have all made the experiment .

At any rate , I guess you 'd better make the experiment .

experience experience make 3851 V:subj:N To every man language is a kind of fossil poetry , until experience makes those dry bones live !

The first big experience of life usually makes or breaks us .

Certainly my inward experience on these occasions ought to make me humble .

make experience make 3851 V:subj:N To every man language is a kind of fossil poetry , until experience makes those dry bones live !

The first big experience of life usually makes or breaks us .

Certainly my inward experience on these occasions ought to make me humble .

experiment experiment make 2806 V:subj:N No final action will be taken until after further experiments are made next fall .

But a clear light was not thrown on the subject until Bernard 's experiments were made in 1851 .

For the most part these experiments were made with poisonous drugs .

make experiment make 2806 V:subj:N No final action will be taken until after further experiments are made next fall .

But a clear light was not thrown on the subject until Bernard 's experiments were made in 1851 .

For the most part these experiments were made with poisonous drugs .

experience to make use of experience 515 V:obj+prep:N Images may also be classified according to the use made of past experience .

You would have the right only if you 'd made good use of your experience of life .

You learn to dig into your unconscious and make use of every experience you ever had .

make to make use of experience 515 V:obj+prep:N Images may also be classified according to the use made of past experience .

You would have the right only if you 'd made good use of your experience of life .

You learn to dig into your unconscious and make use of every experience you ever had .

use to make use of experience 515 V:obj+prep:N Images may also be classified according to the use made of past experience .

You would have the right only if you 'd made good use of your experience of life .

You learn to dig into your unconscious and make use of every experience you ever had .

sense to make sense of experience 242 V:obj+prep:N You can give your child the language she needs to make sense of the experience .

The fabric of the individual 's reality is ripped apart and no meaningful symbolic sense can be made of experience .

The significance we attach to schemes and tropes are part of an integral process of imaginatively making sense of a strange linguistic experience .

experience to make sense of experience 242 V:obj+prep:N You can give your child the language she needs to make sense of the experience .

The fabric of the individual 's reality is ripped apart and no meaningful symbolic sense can be made of experience .

The significance we attach to schemes and tropes are part of an integral process of imaginatively making sense of a strange linguistic experience .

make to make sense of experience 242 V:obj+prep:N You can give your child the language she needs to make sense of the experience .

The fabric of the individual 's reality is ripped apart and no meaningful symbolic sense can be made of experience .

The significance we attach to schemes and tropes are part of an integral process of imaginatively making sense of a strange linguistic experience .

experience to make for experience 183 V:prep:N The performance , too , often lacks the sort of tension that makes for a live musical experience .

The location of the stable made for an unusual experience in the equestrian world : riding in heavy traffic .

The car dynamics were changed to make for a faster 'arcade ' experience .

make to make for experience 183 V:prep:N The performance , too , often lacks the sort of tension that makes for a live musical experience .

The location of the stable made for an unusual experience in the equestrian world : riding in heavy traffic .

The car dynamics were changed to make for a faster 'arcade ' experience .

experiment to make experiment in direction 147 V:obj+prep:N From time to time experiments have been made in the direction of novelty .

Cesnola and Poulton have made valuable experiments in this direction .

Why , in this hour of reconstruction , with the experience of generations before us , make another experiment in the same direction ?