English Collocations

The big online database with English collocations

Database with over 2 million collocations for 43 thousand English words
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touch touch of hand 7723 N:prep:N No words , just a gentle touch of my hand .

You cannot see me , but you hear my voice and feel the touch of my hand .

Men such as I am do not want the smile of your face , the touch of your hand !

hand touch of hand 7723 N:prep:N No words , just a gentle touch of my hand .

You cannot see me , but you hear my voice and feel the touch of my hand .

Men such as I am do not want the smile of your face , the touch of your hand !

touch touch of the hand 2972 N:prep:N The coolness and the dark were like the touch of a soothing hand .

New England character and scenery have now felt the touch of a master hand .

The latter recognized the touch of a friendly hand and quickly jumped up .

hand touch of the hand 2972 N:prep:N The coolness and the dark were like the touch of a soothing hand .

New England character and scenery have now felt the touch of a master hand .

The latter recognized the touch of a friendly hand and quickly jumped up .

touch touch of finger 2561 N:prep:N No touch of human fingers ever brought such comfort .

For the first time the touch of a woman 's fingers has driven sleep from your eyelids .

And again the trembling notes of music began to dance at the touch of her fingers .

finger touch of finger 2561 N:prep:N No touch of human fingers ever brought such comfort .

For the first time the touch of a woman 's fingers has driven sleep from your eyelids .

And again the trembling notes of music began to dance at the touch of her fingers .

lightness lightness of touch 2469 N:prep:N Thistledown was nothing to the lightness of my touch .

Lightness of touch is the crowning test of power .

Cottrell Boyce writes with exceptional assurance and lightness of touch .

touch lightness of touch 2469 N:prep:N Thistledown was nothing to the lightness of my touch .

Lightness of touch is the crowning test of power .

Cottrell Boyce writes with exceptional assurance and lightness of touch .

frost touch of frost 2234 N:prep:N Be careful to put on a cloak or thick shawl ; we have touches of frost .

Slowly , slowly , the glorious colors faded as fade the flowers at the touch of frost .

The day was cold and sunny , a January morning with a touch of frost in the air .

touch touch of frost 2234 N:prep:N Be careful to put on a cloak or thick shawl ; we have touches of frost .

Slowly , slowly , the glorious colors faded as fade the flowers at the touch of frost .

The day was cold and sunny , a January morning with a touch of frost in the air .

touch touch with reality 1786 N:prep:N If evidence of abnormal imagination appears , the child must be kept in close touch with reality .

You begin to lose touch with reality and your readers , and only start appealing to your inner circle .

We are however in danger of losing all touch with reality by postulating such a scenario .

reality touch with reality 1786 N:prep:N If evidence of abnormal imagination appears , the child must be kept in close touch with reality .

You begin to lose touch with reality and your readers , and only start appealing to your inner circle .

We are however in danger of losing all touch with reality by postulating such a scenario .

touch touch of lip 1749 N:prep:N Rose felt merely a soft touch of thin , tightly closed lips .

Does the touch of your lips make me any worse ?

The warm touch of the man 's lips gave the girl a new , mysterious sensation .

lip touch of lip 1749 N:prep:N Rose felt merely a soft touch of thin , tightly closed lips .

Does the touch of your lips make me any worse ?

The warm touch of the man 's lips gave the girl a new , mysterious sensation .

touch touch of irony 1700 N:prep:N He does so in a touch of exquisite irony .

He did not like even that slight touch of irony .

Instead of that I treated him to a touch of irony .