English Collocations

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touch to touch on shoulder 3867 V:prep:N When supper had finished , Fritz touched me on the shoulder .

Being at last touched on the shoulder , I started and turned .

Here Jones touching me on the shoulder pointed across the stream .

shoulder to touch on shoulder 3867 V:prep:N When supper had finished , Fritz touched me on the shoulder .

Being at last touched on the shoulder , I started and turned .

Here Jones touching me on the shoulder pointed across the stream .

put to put in touch 3281 V:prep:N As the story is anonymous , I appeal to you to put me in touch with the writer in question .

Family doctor and community health services Your family doctor should be able to put you in touch with community health services .

Will you put me in touch with the right people in America to handle the business ?

touch to put in touch 3281 V:prep:N As the story is anonymous , I appeal to you to put me in touch with the writer in question .

Family doctor and community health services Your family doctor should be able to put you in touch with community health services .

Will you put me in touch with the right people in America to handle the business ?

touch to keep in touch 3009 V:prep:N Always delighted to keep in touch with old friends .

If evidence of abnormal imagination appears , the child must be kept in close touch with reality .

The boat was rowed near the bank , and the two divisions were kept in touch with each other by means of drums .

keep to keep in touch 3009 V:prep:N Always delighted to keep in touch with old friends .

If evidence of abnormal imagination appears , the child must be kept in close touch with reality .

The boat was rowed near the bank , and the two divisions were kept in touch with each other by means of drums .

touch to touch with hand 2817 V:prep:N The opponent may not be touched with the free hand .

You must not look into my eyes , you must not touch me with your hands .

Do not touch me with your mighty hands , O child !

hand to touch with hand 2817 V:prep:N The opponent may not be touched with the free hand .

You must not look into my eyes , you must not touch me with your hands .

Do not touch me with your mighty hands , O child !

stay to stay in touch 2672 V:prep:N We became pretty good friends along the way and stayed in touch .

Upon leaving the school , all students are encouraged to join and stay in touch with the school .

Rather , the focus is on correct practice and staying in touch through participation or listening .

touch to stay in touch 2672 V:prep:N We became pretty good friends along the way and stayed in touch .

Upon leaving the school , all students are encouraged to join and stay in touch with the school .

Rather , the focus is on correct practice and staying in touch through participation or listening .

touch to touch on arm 2113 V:prep:N Louis , following my eyes , touched me on the arm .

The night was very dark , and as I came out on to the pavement someone touched me on the arm .

She opened the door and came back into the room , touching me on the arm .

arm to touch on arm 2113 V:prep:N Louis , following my eyes , touched me on the arm .

The night was very dark , and as I came out on to the pavement someone touched me on the arm .

She opened the door and came back into the room , touching me on the arm .

touch to touch with finger 1995 V:prep:N The act or process of handling or touching with the fingers .

And I never even touched you with a finger .

This end should not be touched with the fingers .

finger to touch with finger 1995 V:prep:N The act or process of handling or touching with the fingers .

And I never even touched you with a finger .

This end should not be touched with the fingers .

come to come into touch 1886 V:prep:N The ships now headed west and north to come into touch with land again .

In the south , too , the Chinese came into direct touch with the European powers .

The Commission toured the Commonwealth , visiting different wheat districts , and came into direct touch with local conditions .