English Collocations

The big online database with English collocations

Database with over 2 million collocations for 43 thousand English words
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basisword collocation significance relation examples sentences
touch to touch someone 31937 V:obj:N Suddenly I started , for a hand touched me .

Why do you hardly suffer me to touch you ?

Do n't you see I 'm not going to touch you ?

touch someone touch 28617 V:subj:N Do you suppose I like you to touch me ?

Now , I am sure I touched a hand .

And will you be alone if at last we touch ?

touch to keep in touch 24375 V:obj:N Oxford expect to be led but must keep in touch .

Helen , probably , would never have thought of keeping in touch .

During these years , both women continued to keep in touch .

keep in to keep in touch 24375 V:obj:N Oxford expect to be led but must keep in touch .

Helen , probably , would never have thought of keeping in touch .

During these years , both women continued to keep in touch .

touch hand touch 23730 V:subj:N Suddenly I started , for a hand touched me .

As I gazed , thus enchanted , a cold hand touched my own .

At the same instant a hand touched Bud 's arm .

hand hand touch 23730 V:subj:N Suddenly I started , for a hand touched me .

As I gazed , thus enchanted , a cold hand touched my own .

At the same instant a hand touched Bud 's arm .

get in to get in touch 19410 V:obj:N If anything comes up , I 'll get in touch .

You know , just in case I need to get in touch .

And if we want to talk to you again we 'll get in touch .

touch to get in touch 19410 V:obj:N If anything comes up , I 'll get in touch .

You know , just in case I need to get in touch .

And if we want to talk to you again we 'll get in touch .

touch finishing touch 18227 N:nn:N The Finishing Touch The Snow Ball , World , 1964 .

Paddington and the Finishing Touch 51 .


finishing finishing touch 18227 N:nn:N The Finishing Touch The Snow Ball , World , 1964 .

Paddington and the Finishing Touch 51 .


touch to touch heart 16659 V:obj:N Thou hast touched my soul , hast touched my heart .

But grim realities are not required to touch all hearts .

But your account of the poor man 's distress touched my heart .

heart to touch heart 16659 V:obj:N Thou hast touched my soul , hast touched my heart .

But grim realities are not required to touch all hearts .

But your account of the poor man 's distress touched my heart .

touch to touch ground 14566 V:obj:N The standard of Scotland had never touched the ground .

Do n't allow the muzzle to touch the ground .

The clock started the moment the dog touched the ground .

ground to touch ground 14566 V:obj:N The standard of Scotland had never touched the ground .

Do n't allow the muzzle to touch the ground .

The clock started the moment the dog touched the ground .

tornado tornado touch down 13144 V:subj:N Meanwhile , the tornado had already touched down to the southwest .

In June 1988 , a tornado touched down near the tanks and ponds .

The first tornado touched down shortly after in South Carolina .